The Cigarette Vacuum Machine
The PATENTED cigarette vacuum machine packages your cigarettes, per pallet or per mastercase, under low oxygen conditions using the complementary gas-tight SMART in-Liner. The use of nitrogen instead of vacuum allows for a very low oxygen level to be quickly reached and maintained inside the packaging with minimized mechanical forces. The system thereby ensures minimal product breakage.
Each Cigarette vacuum Machine is able to process 3 Mastercases at a time. After packaging, cigarettes are readily available for storage or transportation. The system eliminates the need for any chemical fumigation or freezing treatment up until arrival.
Retain freshness
Preserve product flavor & color
Reduce spotting of the cigarettes
Minimizes weight & moisture loss
Saves cost & time
Highly secure insect treatment
Contributes to a better tobacco fill rate
The Cigarette Vacuum Machine
The PATENTED cigarette vacuum machine packages your cigarettes, per pallet or per mastercase, under low oxygen conditions using the complementary gas-tight SMART in-Liner. The use of nitrogen instead of vacuum allows for a very low oxygen level to be quickly reached and maintained inside the packaging with minimized mechanical forces. The system thereby ensures minimal product breakage.
Each Cigarette vacuum Machine is able to process 3 Mastercases at a time. After packaging, cigarettes are readily available for storage or transportation. The system eliminates the need for any chemical fumigation or freezing treatment up until arrival.

The Cigarette Vacuum Machine
The PATENTED cigarette vacuum machine packages your cigarettes, per pallet or per mastercase, under low oxygen conditions using the complementary gas-tight SMART in-Liner. The use of nitrogen instead of vacuum allows for a very low oxygen level to be quickly reached and maintained inside the packaging with minimized mechanical forces. The system thereby ensures minimal product breakage.
Each Cigarette vacuum Machine is able to process 3 Mastercases at a time. After packaging, cigarettes are readily available for storage or transportation. The system eliminates the need for any chemical fumigation or freezing treatment up until arrival.
Retain freshness
Preserves product flavor and color
Reduces spotting of the cigarettes
Minimizes weight and moisture loss
Contributes to a better tobacco fill rate
Saves cost & time
Highly secure insect treatment
The Oxy-Low packaging solution for tobacco products is specifically designed to preserve the tobacco quality and protect the product against insect infestation.